Saturday, February 25, 2006

If You Don't Know Me By Now

On a day like today, where even the most sacred of places in America comes under attack, I find my that my Anglophilia reaches it's peak. Why wouldn't we want to live in England? The accent makes everything they say that much cooler (I'll always remember when my British cousins flushed my toothbrush down the toilet at my grandparents, it was really hard to get mad at them because when we caught them, they said "We flushed it down the loo". You can't get mad at that, you just can't), when you drink tea you look normal rather than looking like a nancy. That's another thing, if I were British, I would know what I was saying when I said things like 'looking like a nancy', and what he means when Charlie calls people 'ponces' on 'Lost', and people wouldn't shout back 'peace' when I gave them a two finger salute. And if I were British, I wouldn't have to troll through Google Video to watch episodes of British sitcoms. To be honest, I'm never entirely sure if British sitcoms are clever or stupid (it's such a fine line), because I can't tell if there is some sort of subtle social joke being made amongst the slapstick (a la 'Arrested Development') or if it's just your regular 'According to Jim' level excuse for comedy (The dramas on the other hand, you know if they're good or not, and on that note I would like to say that 'The Singing Detective' and 'State of Play' are some of the greatest things I've ever seen produced. Seriously, hunt them out. Literally. With a spear if you have to). And even if I'm missing some jokes on 'The IT Crowd', it doesn't matter, because the rest of it is just stupid enough to make me laugh. It was always advertised on The Ricky Gervais Show (but I think that was more out of the fact that Channel 4 was a sponsor of the podcast (and in a biparentheses note, all twelve of the first season podcasts will be available for download starting March 7th, and the second season will start being sold through starting Tuesday (Who is Ricky Gervais you say? Shut up I say. As much as I love The American Office (which, now with the end of Arrested Development, is my vote for the funniest show on TV), it kills me that so many people who watch it don't understand why the 'American' is in front of it, because the original show was so perfect. Maybe they'll understand better when Gervais and Steve Merchant write an episode next season, or if they watch reruns of the British version that are now airing on PBS on Sunday nights (at least here in Chicago))) than out of the fact that they really like the show) and people keep raving about it over on BoingBoing after they watch it on the Channel 4 website. Well great I said, I too would like to partake in this television experience. Except no. You can't watch them unless you're in England (and you're running Windows). Hence the trolling. Oh, you know what else the English have? Excellent candy.


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