Thursday, February 16, 2006

Kids Sing, Kids Sing

Ah, the world, it is alive. Try saying that with a terrible French accent, it'll make you feel better. And Lord knows, I need all the cheesy pseudo French expressions I can get today, because it is miserable in the Midwest. All that snow you heard about? Yes, none of that hit Chicago. Instead, I woke up to so much fog I thought I was having a dream about 'The Third Man' (it wouldn't be the first time), but no, just the beginning of what is possibly the grayest day in history (it didn't help that I had to watch 'The Last Picture Show' in class either). So where do I turn for some warmth, color and compassion? The internet of course:

- I don't have a hot sister, or for that matter a homely one, or one of any varying degree of attractiveness, but if I did and I were to accidentally see her in her underwear, I might have the same reaction that I did when I saw these pictures of Kristen Bell in Maxim. These pictures that I found out about only because they place the Maxims next to the New York Times at my local 7-Eleven. Ahem. Veronica Mars creator Rob Thomas said in an interview with E!'s Kristin Veitch that it was producer Joel Silvers' idea all along, he of course coming from the film making philosophy that "nothing sells better than blood and broads". And it's a philosophy that's made him millions. But is it that simple? Sure, he's made his name on movies like the Lethal Weapon and Matrix franchises as well as dozens of other crappy action movies that you see on TNT at 3 in the morning, but were those just means to an end? A geeky, geeky end? Look at the evidence: Silver is executive producing 'Veronica Mars', a show which is relatively light on the action but heavy on the witty witty quips. The same could even be said about 'Lethal Weapon' scribe Shane Black's 'Kiss Kiss Bang Bang', which Silver also produced. And even though it was heavy on the action, does it get any geekier than 'The Matrix', a story of a computer geek being rewarded for his hours of trolling the internet by becoming a hero? No, no it does not. And his list of future projects also clue me in to this being a man wanting to get his geek on, with the Alan Moore adaptation of 'V For Vendetta' coming out next month as well as the fact that not only is he producing the 'Wonder Woman' movie, but he got king of the geeks, Joss Whedon to direct it. All of this, coupled with this story make me think that, perhaps Silver is just a geeky little hippy deep down inside, and though he had to toughen up to make it through the cinematic system of the 80s and 90s, now that things have calmed down a bit, he's more comfortable letting his geek flag fly. As long as there is still a picture of a girl in a bikini standing next to a guy with a gun as the insignia. (He put it next to the dolphin).

- Speaking of 'El Hombre', one more reason why Joss is boss - he can make the word 'yob' sound cool (Though to be fair, that purse does bear a great resemblance to a battery powered device one places betwixt their nether regions).

- We you aware that they were making videos to accompany music now a-days? Amazing! First on the block, though she won't watch horses get whipped if it's being sponsored by KFC, Pam Anderson is totally cool making out with a guy while he boasts about hitting their buffet.

- We all know butterflies are cool, but you know what would be cooler? Making a third album.

- And finally, via BoingBoing, this clip of Django on some old news reel, which is really too cool for words. Especially my cheap, sarcastic words.

Started talking about the French, ended talking about the French. Proof that time is circular? Maybe, maybe not.


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