Saturday, February 24, 2007

Coming Up Next

I think its going to be a funny year. The fact that the national media is embroiled in whether or not they should be giving this much attention while they're giving this much attention to the death of a woman most of America honestly didn't care about if they had any idea who she was in the first place is a good sign of the highjinks we're in for in the near future. Also going to be funny: movies. I saw 'Reno 911: Miami' last night (Which was pretty good, basically just an hour and a half long episode of the show, except they get to say fuck and show the most awkward sexual encounter ever captured on film), and before that they showed the trailers for what I think will probably end up being the two funniest movies of the year.

The American version of the 'Knocked Up' trailer gives you a much better idea of what the story of the film is going to be, while the international trailer shoots more of the atmosphere of the movie. In a related note, I plan on using "Fuck off" as a response in all of my conversations from now on. "Would you like fries with that?" "No, fuck off."

And I am slowly dying of jealousy that people in England can watch 'Hot Fuzz' right now while I have to wait a month and a half. I hope they choke on their Marmite, though they probably will anyway since thats just the usual human reaction to eating Marmite.

Also, seeing every member of The State show up in 'Reno' last night got me excited for 'The Ten', the new movie from the Stella side of the team.

And finally, in music news, Wilco just announced that the tracklist for their new album, 'Sky Blue Sky', which is coming out in May. Sadly, songs like 'Let's Fight', that they've been playing live recently, didn't make the cut, which just means that I'm going to have be shilling out thirty dollars for the Japanese import of the disc in order to get all the B-Sides they attached to it. And by shill out thirty dollars, I mean steal from the internet.

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Blogger RUN-N-L8 said...

don't diss on my marmite! sometimes in mother hubbard moments i'll just eat it from the jar 'till my tongue is raw- yep.

12:59 AM  

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