Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I'm Only Sleeping

There really isn't a greater feeling than shooting a project till 3 in the morning, and then waking up at 8 to get the equipment back in on time, to come home in the middle of 'My Super Sweet 16' marathon. Watching Bjorn throw up in the middle of his fashion show super party in a mall, well, it makes the fact that I've slept 10 hours in the last two days kind of all right. I've also discovered that the Dicovery Channel is the perfect channel to watch when you're too physically tired to pick up the remote, since it's almost guaranteed that I'll enjoy whatever they have on. I know nothing about motorcycles, or why there is an Orange County in New York, but I still find 'American Chopper' entertaining. Because, you know, they're gruff, and, mildly wacky. Oh, and they yell at each other. I guess you kind of have to be there. When that ends, it's all right, because the Discovery Channel has my back, with a show about real life giants. Did you know Abraham Lincoln was a giant? Because he was. Did you know he ate babies? Yup. For fuel. That's actually what one of the driving reasons for the South succeeding from the Union was, they were just fed up with Lincoln's Yankee, baby eating ways. Oh sure, we remember the slavery, but once they lost, all of the South's strong anti-baby eating positions were forgotten. Damned revisionist history.

The new season of 'South Park' is underway, tonight 'Family Guy' will be added to the pile of things the show rips apart. Though to be fair, I've read a lot of Chris Ware comics, and the main thing I remember about them is that they're so small and so many stories are so packed into his anthologies, that it might be possible that MacFarlane read the comics but forgot about it, and then just subliminally... actually no, that probably didn't happen. But if Ware uses this episode as a way to stir up some controversy, I know somewhere MacFarlane could get a little black mail (Seriously, super hero costumes are something reserved for when you get home, not during school). It'll be interesting to see how this episode is received, since 'Family Guy' seems to be loved by the same people who follow 'South Park'. It'll be interesting to see if this will back fire on the 'South Park' team, because if there is one thing I learned at school, its that people love to quote 'Family Guy'. We don't even do it to be funny anymore, it's more out of the fact that they've destroyed their brain cells to the point when they can only speak in second hand pop culture references that they don't even get. Good times. Also, in more South Park related... things, I was looking up Steven Speilberg's resume as an actor (my life, is just, so exciting) and found this short film he appeared in, which was directed by Trey Parker. This story explains it, but it doesn't explain how a major film studio was purchased by a wine cooler. All I know now is that my apartment is in sore need of a snazzy porcelain deer.

I'm going to sleep, but I thought I'd link this story first. That guy got off easy though, I was savagely beaten with a plunger for four hours after whistling 'Somebody Got Murdered' while standing in line a security checkpoint at Midway. The first two hours were because they thought I was serious, the second was just because the guy was a Sex Pistols fan.

In the fast I've found that I enjoy screetchy guitars and female vocals more than most of my friends, which is a shame, since, Giant Drag's 'Hearts and Unicorns' was one of my favorite albums last year, but I felt awkward about telling anyone about it, so I just sat in my car and listened to it by myself. Then my neighbor next door would give me weird looks, but I would just give him weird looks back, because I was not the one holding a rake in the middle of January. Anyway, these covers are a little more accessible, I've been listening to this 'God Only Knows' cover over and over for the last few days. I'm starting to like it as much as the original, which is saying a lot. And this Chris Isaac cover is alright, but its worth listening to just for the introduction. Cat head indeed.


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