Thursday, February 09, 2006

Prose is for Prats

There was supposed to be a third paragraph in that previous post. Things I wanted to say, to link, but I couldn't tie it in to the point I was trying to make. And I didn't even realize I was trying to make a point. How weird is that? So here is a list of the things I was planning on mentioning in the phantom paragraph:

- This American Life is becoming a television show (I was excited for this one, I even got a picture).

- The O.C.

- Bear Costumes.

- How Scarlett Johansson broke my heart.

- Blood Pudding.

- How Jenny Lewis makes things better.

- Making it look like your hat has eyes.

- Kanye to do his own jazzy theme.

- Smurfs.

- Why the first season of Alias was a thing of true beauty.

- That kitten continues to hang in there.

The fun part is to figure out how they could all fit together into a coherent statement. Technically this is my job, but... I'm tired.


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