Thursday, December 07, 2006

A Modern Day Agora

I'll bypass the usual apologies I type up for being away for so long. You know I still love you.

Dinosaur Comics posted this video yesterday, a CBC report from the early 90s on the new phenomenon known simply as "internet":

Things I love about this:

1. The initial dropping of "the" before internet and all of the hilarious "strange and futuristic" vibes it gives the report - and then the way they abruptly start using "the" in the middle of the report, like they suddenly realized they sounded silly.

2. Internet enthusiast John Allen praising the restraint on the internet, how people don't use the anonymity of the internet as a way to spread hateful putdowns. That fag would get pwned after three posts on an AICN message board. LOL.

3. The hard hitting piece on the origin of emoticons. :-[ See, I'm serious.

4. That the original use of internet was for the spreading of flirtations, debates, shared poetry, and midnight contract bridge games. Seriously though, where are these midnight contract bridge games because I so want in.

5. The British gentleman and his "deep and abiding passion of all things Thai".

6. The utter sadness in the fact that the Patty from Canada claims that internet has "more soul than any human" she knows. It's fifteen years later, but I have a fairly good idea that Patty is in the same spot now that she was when she wrote that.

I also just love how quickly things become outdated these days. Looking at the hundred year crawl it took from punch card machines to PCs, the fact that I'm laughing at this video from my wireless laptop 15 years later, it kind of makes me think that we'll be laughing about the technological advances that we make now in five years, and then we'll be laughing about things that we discovered five minutes ago. "Hey remember when you were going on and on about teleportation?" "Yeah, I literally just stopped talking about before you started talking." "I know, and I'm laughing because now it's old hat."


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