Sunday, February 05, 2006

Return of the Angus

I cried a little. When my roommate said "I don't get it," I threw a bowl of dip at his head. Covered in artichoke and spinach, I sent him out of the room, full of shame. I wasn't going to let him ruin what is probably going to be the best thing to happen to me all year. MacGyver came back. It doesn't even matter if Christ has a second coming any more, because I feel like I've been saved. Saved by a paper clip and a tube sock.

I feel more alive than I have in years. My head is buzzing, imagining all the things that he's been doing for the last 14 years. What was great about the commercial was that it suggests that Mac got over his whole, saving inner city youth from joining gangs and black rhinos from being poached phase, and got back to the basics: coming up with elaborate ways to escape and foil generic foreign thugs. But would we still be satisfied with the mere foiling of generic thugs? Now that we live in a post 9/11 world, where Jack Bauer comes up with different ways to torture information out of people every Monday (Jack is kind of the MacGyver of torture now that I think about it. A lamp and a sponge? That's thinking on your feet.), would we be satisfied with MacGyver simply leaving the bad guys locked in a warehouse, rather than leaving them riddled with bullets? Of course the television landscape that MacGyver first appeared in was full of macho, shoot first say a poorly written line right after you shoot heroes on shows like 'Miami Vice' and 'Hunter'; MacGyver was supposed to be an alternative. A hybrid to Hunter's Hummer. And as much as I love '24', what was nice about the commercial was it gives you the idea that that type of alternative is still out there. Of course now its relegated to commercials. But still. It's out there.

The point of all of this is that MacGyver is still awesome. Especially now that he got his haircut. Because I feel better gushing about people when they don't look like Patrick Swayze in 'Roadhouse'.

Unless I'm gushing about Patrick Swayze in 'Roadhouse'. Awesome performance, awesome movie.


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